Our School

Grades Taught

French Immersion Program for Kindergarten to Grade 9 students


Bienvenue à notre école / Welcome to Our School! École Camille J. Lerouge School is a Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 9 publicly funded school located in Red Deer, Alberta, proudly welcoming children of all faiths desiring a Catholic education in French immersion. With a Gospel view of life, students are called to grow spiritually, academically, socially, culturally and physically. Our Catholic faith is nurtured and experienced in all classes, celebrations, and prayer. To find out why École Camille J. Lerouge School is right for your child, please visit us.


Sinead Armstrong


Erika Pottage, Vice-Principal

Cynthia Campbell, Vice-Principal


Laisse briller ta lumière

Let Your Light Shine


We believe that Catholic education is guided by the light of Christ.  By immersing children in a French environment, we inspire a love of learning while fostering meaningful connections and creating authentic classroom experiences.  We empower our students to develop their unique gifts and talents so they may let their light shine throughout the world.


Our Principles of Practice guide us in all that we do!

  • We honour our children
  • We provide a safe and secure environment
  • We live and proudly proclaim our Catholic faith
  • We provide quality education in a Catholic environment
  • We pray as an educational community
  • We practice servant-leadership
  • We focus on our mission through clarity of purpose
  • We value our staff